Vtg Tonka Pressed Steel School District 277 School Bus Van Vehicle 1970's.
Wear and tear included. (BNAJ-51). 5" long.
This item was donated to St. Paul’s United Methodist Church of Cedar Rapids,
Iowa by a faithful member. 100% of the net sale proceeds will be used to
further our ministry and mission programs…programs which are daily changing
lives in our neighborhood, our community and around the world. Through your
purchase(s), you are, in a very meaningful way, touching the lives of God’s
children…and we thank you and God for your generosity. Although our knowledge
of this donated item is somewhat limited, we have done our best to draw upon
the knowledge of others to adequately describe and value the item(s) offered
for sale. Our volunteer team will do their very best to answer any questions
you might have, with email being our requested means of communication unless
otherwise requested by those having serious interest in the item(s) for sale.
Again, thank you for being part of our “changing lives” ministries, all for
God’s Glory.